Services and Products
Below are a list of SERVICES & PRODUCTS offered at Park Circle Chiropractic. For more information about each treatment or to make an appointment,
contact us at 843-744-2265.


- Hands-on Chiropractic Care
- Palmer Method (Diversified)
- Toggle / Gonstead / Drop / Activator
- Massage Therapy
- Deflexology
- Human Touch® Massage Chairs (pictured below)
- Electric Stimulation
- Health Education

Human Touch® Massage Chairs

We carry the best massage chairs in the business! These chairs cater to your comfort, health & happiness providing an irreplaceable experience. Benefits of these chairs include:
- Spinal Traction
- Enhanced Circulation
- Reduction of Muscle Rigidity
- Breaking of Myofascial Adhesion
- Pain Reduction

- Deflexit® Monitor Cabinets (pictured below)
- Biofreeze
- Hermell Lumbar Supports
- Tens units
- Heat/Ice Gel Packs
- Exercise Balls
List of Supplement Brands

- Garden of Life
- Innate Response Formulas
- Synthovial 7
- Zymessence
- Progressive Lab
- Dr. Schulze's American Botany Pharmacy Cell Food

Without Deflexit® Monitor Cabinets

Please notice the how uncomfortable this looks and feels!
With Deflexit® Monitor Cabinets

Posture can have an AMAZING effect!